Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Trying new things

It is a lot harder then I thought it would be to write down things that I love and the different talents that I have. I have been working on it all week and I only have a few things o the list. I may be making this harder then it should be but I only want things on the list that I absolutely love on the list because I want it to be a list of things that I truly love every aspect of. I wont be sharing my list but I will share my thought on it because that's what I do here. I share my thoughts. Being on the look out for things that I love has made for an interesting week. I became more aware of the little things I did and say. The way I spend my time and the kind of topic conversations that got me so excited. It was also an interesting week because Sunday was my 23rd birthday. So naturally I spent time reflecting back on life and the things that I am planning on in my future. I found myself thinking about key moments in my life and wondered where I would be if it didn't happen or if what I wanted to have happen actually happened and let me tell you I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the life that I have lives so far. I love so many aspects of my life but not all of them. So with the forming list of "Kylie's True Loves" and thinking about what I want to accomplish in life, it hit me that I want these things because of what I have experienced so far in my life. I know that God truly has a plan for me. I really want to strive to work on exercising trust in God. In one of my classes we had a guest speaker and he talked about how in life it's good to have long term goals but to become successful it's key to stay focused on the next days tasks. After hearing this it was only natural of me to want to apply to this concept into my life and for the two days I have tried do this I must say that so far so good! I noticed that I have been getting more done each day. I find it so refreshing to keep trying new things to empower and enrich ones life.

Try new things ❥ Never be afraid to try something new. Because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know.

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