Thursday, June 15, 2017


One of the hardest things about coming home from a mission is the pressure to get married as soon as possible. I never thought that this would be one of my biggest struggles in life. I grew up thinking that I would graduate high school at 17, get married at 19, and be pregnant with my first child at 20. I am almost 23 and none of those things has happened to me. Everything that I have done post graduation wasn't planned. It was never in my future plans. Thinking about all my plans for my life that didn't happen honestly makes me sick to my stomach if I think about it long enough then I start to cry and there are some days that I do sit on the floor in my room crying about I then get up and think about all the wonderful things I have seen and done the past five years that I would have never been able to do if everything in my life went my way. Please don't get me wrong getting married at a young age is totally fine, I mean my grandma was 16, my mom was 18, and my younger sister was 19. Plus most of my cousins all got married young. As time passes I learn that my journey through life has always been so different from everyone I know, especially my family. So it's no surprise that the events in my life have been completely my own. After I sit and cry about still being a single returned missionary I have to laugh because God's timing is something that I will never understand and oddly in those moments I become okay with that. Even though I don't have a husband to love on...yet.God has still filled my life full of men that love me and care for me and I couldn't be more grateful for every single one of them. My best friend growing up was the neighbor boy, all the cousins close to me in age are boys, when I entered and left the mission field I was the only sister missionary with a bunch of elders. To say boys are a small part of my life is a understatement. I like to joke that my future husband has a lot of "brothers" to get approval from. I don't know when I am going to get married or if I will even get married in this life time but I know that I am in perfect hands. God is taking care of me (even with all my short comings). He has blessed my life with some of the most incredible men that the world has ever known. I am truly blessed and I will take a wild guess that y'all are too.

                                   (my cute brothers and I.....yes we do model. How did you know?)

(I realized that I don't have any resent pictures with my day but this is one of my favorites)
Are these just not the cutest guys you have ever seen!

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