Thursday, July 13, 2017

I want to be like Pocahontas

First things first y'all need to know that my obsession with podcasts is still going strong and I am loving every single moment of it!

One of my younger sisters has been staying with me since the 4th of July. I haven't seen her since January because I moved to Utah and she went away to China to teach English to children. And that's a whole long story that I will be glad to share another time. Even though my life is super busy and I always have something going on I actually had one whole day that we got to spend together. We decided to go on a hike to see a waterfall. I had heard a few people talk about it and was told that it wasn't even a hike but just a short little walk. I will NEVER trust another person when they say a hike is easy. Oh my word I thought I was going to die. That might be a little over dramatic but really I was out of breath the whole time and was grateful that I had brought a water bottle. Once I was at the top though all the thought I had about giving up and never going on another hike again was washed away once I saw the waterfall. I seriously can't even get over the fact that it was real. Not man made. It was breath taking and life changing. I pray that I never forget the feeling of standing under the waterfall. Every worry and trouble that was with me disappeared in that moment. I seriously was thinking about having a Pocahontas moment and jump off the waterfall just to feel the combination of water and flying together but since there wasn't a ocean at the bottom of this waterfall only rocks I decided against it.
Image result for pocahontas jumping off the cliff disney

Wouldn't that just be the best feeling ever. Free falling. ahhhh it looks so peaceful to me. It really got me thinking about how in life we can feel so weighed down with everything that we have going on in our lives. It's so easy to be going through life complaining about everything that is going wrong in our lives. Shoot! When I was on that hike most of the way up I just thought about how I wanted to turn around and go back home to my couch to watch Netflix. I had no idea how long the hike was going to be and most of the time we were heading in the opposite way of the waterfall. If it wasn't for my sister telling me to keep going I would have never made it to the top. In life there are people or things that are there to help us get through all the crap we go through. We can all reach the top of our mountains to feel the water fall on our face and forget about all the negative thoughts we had going through our heads just seconds before. It's always sweeter in the end. It's worth the journey. I don't think I can one more cheesy saying to get my point across which is this: Become grateful in your circumstance.  It sounds off from what the world teaches us and it should because we are living life differently so that we can change. I feel like if I say any more that I would be just repeating everything that I have already be repeating this whole post. Just please remember that your never alone and that you are extremely loved.  

Next week I will have two talks that helped me get to this conclusion of this post. Until next week.

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