Thursday, July 27, 2017

Teeth Whitening

Starting over is so hard, yet there are parts of my life that I wish I could restart but can't. For example I wish that I could restart this summer semester that I have totally messed up. From day one it's been a disaster and only seems to get worse but I just keep going from week to week feeling like I disappointed more people then I helped. I will forever be working on building myself up. Not only for the mess I made for myself last week but for all my choices good and bad. Like most girls I go through serious mood swings. My current mood is being mute. I don't want to talk to any one not even to myself. I would love to just sit and watch paint dry right now. Sounds dramatic but let's be honest I am a very dramatic girl. Don't worry though I haven't become a total hermit crab. I have been traveling all weekend and been busy making three wedding cakes back to back. So if you saw me this past weekend you wouldn't now that's how I have been feeling, unless you see me today then you would totally know., some days I just show it more then others and today is one of those days.

 Coming home from my mission was crap hitting the fan and I was a complete mess. I had never felt so alone in my life, it was hard and it still is. One day I was one Facebook and I saw this ad for return missionaries. It was a two day event that was to help return missionaries adjust back to life. I am a very planned and organized person but I am also a very spontaneous person. And without even thinking about it I signed up for this event. Then I called my friend told her that I signed up and she wanted to come along so see also signed up. Those two days where a game changer for me. It wasn't an instant change but a gradual one. If I am being totally honest, which I promise I am always 100% honest with y'all, I left that weekend and didn't make any changes to my life. I don't know why I didn't but I didn't and that's that. But there was two things that I now remember from that event and it's this: 1) I can spend two days with total strangers and by the end leave knowing that they truly love and care about me. 2) Make your bed every morning because if you make your bed each morning then your winning the day. Let me tell you I have made my bed EVERY SINGLE day this week. As I make my bed I tell myself that I am winning the day because I made my bed. Even with my mute mood right now I still feel this since of accomplishment that I have this small victory already under my belt for the day. Oh I so wish I had the monkey emoji covering his eyes right now because that explains how I feel about right all this. It sounds so off the wall weird but really you guys it's am amazing feeling to start my day off knowing that I have a made bed to go home too. Even though I can't start over curtain things in my life that I wish I could, I will get through all of it. One of the many Instagram-ers that I follow said this, "if your not activity working toward whitening your teeth, then your yellowing." So true! If your not working toward something then your heading the other direction. We can never say still in life. We are either moving one way or the other and I would rather be working on haveing pearly white teach then yellow teeth. So let's try this week to move towards whiteness with all our small victories that we will have this week.

This weeks quote is my new screen saver on my phone. Enjoy every single piece of life.

Celebrate small victories! #mondaymotivation #quote #inspiration

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