Thursday, July 6, 2017

New Things to Love

So my new "thing" this week is podcasts and self help books. I am freakin' loving it. I feel like I have a new wind under my wings. I'm being totally honest y'all its been so wonderful. So I want to share my findings and conclusions. Everyone needs to fins a podcast that they just love! I am so serious, podcasts are so amazing. Finding one that really connects to your soul. One that makes you want to change and go out in the world to do good. I am a firm believer in the fact that you become what you surround yourself with. It's no secret that I have been having my fair share of struggles so having something that strengthens me and brings new ideas and thought that are uplifting really has been making a big difference in my life, (haha even if it has only been one week). But guys if podcasts are not your thing that is totally fine. I would suggest though finding something that helps you grow and explore new things. I have a few more things that I want to say but really guys I honest feel like none of this will make since to anyone but me...but I will save you all the pain and leave you with one last thing. In one of my podcast episodes one of the ladies was talking about how she has accomplished all that she has in her life and it's because she knew that if she wanted to be different she had to live differently then those around her. BOOM! Mind blown! It's so true. Good Night. but really though it's something that gets you thinking about what choices that one is making in ones life.

Until next week, my loves.

This weeks quote is one that I found today and I wanted to put share it.
President Uchtdorf

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